To improve package reliability, it is especially important to choose the right alloy. Indium, in particular, should be considered as a sTIM because of its high thermal conductivity, compressibility (SMA-TIM), and ease of application.
Compressed Between Two Surfaces Without Reflow
(SMA-TIM) Soft Metal Alloy-TIM
The extreme malleability of indium allows it to minimize surface resistance
– thereby increasing heat flow. The graph below demonstrates this phenomenon.
Soldered Between Two Surfaces(sTIM) Solder-TIMUsed to further improve thermal resistance, this application may require the use of a flux to reduce oxides on soldering surfaces.
Another process that is used to create a thermal interface involves reflowing indium preforms onto each solderable surface. The indium-coated surfaces should be cleaned and pressed together to form a fluxless cold-weld solder joint.
No-Clean Soldering Flux for Indium Solder Thermal Interface Material SE-CURE 9665
- Excellent soldering especially for Indium solder preform
- Very low voiding even after multiple reflows for Indium TIM application
- Classified as ROL0 per J-STD-004